Zipline Conservative

July 4, 2012

Mindful Liberty Day

Reverence for Liberty. I have no reverence for social justice but equal justice. No reverence for the Occupy ilk but for the truly hard working, reverent middle class. No love for the Crony Capitalist, Lawyers and Political Class regardless of party. No love for Progressives or Theoocracy Thugs. I love Liberty and the sacrifices that have been made to preserve it. I love the Constitution and it’s limits upon the government class and those seek to limit my life and decisions. Hail to Liberty! Celebrate Liberty and be mindful of those that do not respect it.

November 2, 2009

Conservatism’s Deep Political Discussion

Filed under: Humor — SwittersB & Exploring @ 1:46 PM
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A woman married three times walked into a bridal shop one day and told
the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth

“Of course, madam,” replied the sales clerk, “exactly what type and
color dress are you looking for?”

The bride-to-be said: “A long frilly white dress with a veil.”

The sales clerk hesitated a bit, then said, “Please don’t take this
the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more
appropriate for brides who are being married the first time – for
those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean? Perhaps
ivory or sky blue would be nice?”

“Well,” replied the customer, a little peeved at the clerk’s
directness, “I can assure you that a white gown would be quite
appropriate. Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as
innocent as a first-time bride. You see, my first husband was so
excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our hotel.

“My second husband and I got into such a terrible fight in the limo on
our way to our honeymoon that we had that wedding annulled immediately
and never spoke to each other again.”

“What about your third husband?” asked the sales clerk.

“That one was a Democrat,” said the woman, “and every night for four
years, he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was
going to be, but nothing ever happened.”

August 23, 2009

Russell Kirk’s Considerations Then & Now

Filed under: Conservatism,Liberty — SwittersB & Exploring @ 5:53 PM
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“….conservatism is the negation of ideology: it is a state of mind, a type of character, a way of looking at the civil social order.”

Ten Conservative Principles


Obama & Dem’s Display Inepitude….But…………

brain prop

Ok, so it is possible that the Democrats will continue to carry on as pathetic change agents (thank God!) for statism and with even more luck, boy wonder will display what a centrist poser he is and what a closet Marxist he really is…

Let’s say that comes to pass and the ever fickle undecideds hold our future yet again in their easily tweaked hands, who will the Republicans, RINO’s, Neo’s or Conservatives conjure up to handle the mess the Left has left us with: a new set of statist addictions and expectations? Will the Right go for some Moderate voice to win the election and to then oversee the botched Obama/Demwit’s mess? My money is on that. Another McCain fiasco.

Palin, Newt, Huckabee, Jindal, Cantor, Pence, Romney…………………that is it?  Which of them could handle the mess and which of them could deliver Religious Light Conservatism that would resonate? Enough Big Government, Big Wall Street, Big msm, Religious Right. What will the new direction be? So far Conservatives know what is wrong and how to describe it, but not how to lead a country or articulate what is right. Our arguments are tired and have been compromised for so long by Neo’s and RINO’s that they mean nothing to the populace.

April 9, 2009

Socialism’s Wasting Affect (Denial of the Obvious; And, A Weak Response From The Right)

“Socialism kills vitality and creativity. The nanny state, with all its entitlements, is the super-sized enabler of a dependent, malcontent, apathetic populace. Like the over-indulgent parent who is heavy on the material things but light on the time-investment that leads to real maturity and independence, socialist governments oversee populations of disaffected Peter Pans.” 

Pundette, as usual, uses precise wording to explain the overwhelming, the maze, the blurry.

What I always bump up against are the generalities that are offered by the Right re the alleged failures of Socialism. But what about Sweden? Has socialism failed there? PC has failed their people, given the Muslim onslaught there and in Norway. But, Socialism? What there?..We hear about France, Great Britain, Canada but has anyone done it well without sapping the core spirit of the recipient?

Speaking For Libert

Speaking For Liberty

 I don’t know. And, the brainwashing has gone on for so long that minimal generalities won’t fly anymore….details are needed. Often the Right engages in shout down. Today, I heard some Leftist caller engaging, in a polite tone, a Right wing talk radio. The caller simply asked ‘why not recognize Cuba?’ The U.S. recognizes China, Russia, Cambodia…how many tens of millions of humans perished and still perish and we recognize them. They (Russia/China) have missiles trained upon us now as Cuba once did…why not recognize them now and promote the concept that we, through open borders will help bring about change..? Well the Right Wing guy talked down and over rode the caller in a condescending manner. The caller’s point was valid if we kneel before Chavez, Putin, Sheiks and ignored Stalin’s 30 million deaths. This is a bit of a digression re Socialism, but we don’t seem to have progressed with the sophistication of our arguments. The Right Blogs help enormously, but we sound weak if we only let Talk Radio articulate our responses in sarcastic bullet sprays…the only man I have heard lately with some depth is Levine…

We, the Right, seem to have a litany of empty or tired responses. The Steyn, Buckley, the brilliant few have the capability to move beyond the tired…they grasp the depth of history and have a counter that is borne of strength in knowing there are no absolutes…but, well articulated pro’s will out weigh the con’s, or vice versa. I applaud Pundette for knowing the limits and the need for more backup in the future debates. We cannot count on the msm, Leftist professors or the already brainwashed. The Repub’s/RINO’s are feeble and to me corrupt…now what?           

March 31, 2009

Reagan’s 1964 Time of Choosing Speech (how timely); Mark Steyn on the Euro Follies (soon touring America

The building blocks are out there and we must search the best writers and thinkers to find the gems that give us hope, courage and the awareness we are not alone. Mark Steyn is one such writer that tweaks my mind in so many meaningful ways….you must come to discover his wit, wisdom and saga.  Yes, I have a picture of Ronald up there because these two chunks of input are worth back to back assimilation. 

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn

“That’s the second and most critical objection to Europeanization: It corrodes self-reliance very quickly, to the point where even basic survival instincts can be bred out of society in a generation or two.” Mark Steyn “Apparently, nothing testifies to the American virtues of self-reliance, entrepreneurial energy and the can-do spirit like joining the vast army of robotic extras droning in unison, “The government needs to do more for me…”

November 30, 2008

U.S. Conservatism (Compromise & Abandonment to Avoid a Worse Fate?)

Every Republican president can count on the conservatives eventually supporting whatever policies he dishes out for one simple and profound reason: they hate the Left more than they hate the state.

Rockwell makes my stomach turn because he is right. I have sitting in the rear compartment of this train ride trusting. Wondering but trusting. Ignoring naysayers on the Right, because the true ‘enemy’ is always the Left. Slowly, much too slowly, I have become aware that while I study and confirm the Left’s evil intent…a progressive slide toward the Nanny State, there is a traitor in my midst, our midst. Call it Neo, Moderate, Liberal..hell, I don’t know anymore. All I do know is I feel betrayed in so many ways. 

I cut my teeth with WFB. I read everything and believed in the evil of the State. I readily accepted the threat of Communism. I never questioned much beyond that. Now things are much more complicated. I still fear the Left’s intent. I am immensely pissed at the arrogance of the Left, partly fueled by the stupidity of the Neo’s and myself. 

 Conservatives were urging the government to be expansionist and aggressive abroad, and smaller at home. This is like attempting to train the python to be a cuddly pet. The earlier anti-FDR Old Right understood the relationship between the welfare state and the warfare state: they are essentially inseparable, especially in the American context. A regime scheming to overthrow governments abroad will hardly hesitate to dominate companies and communities in America. There is also the problem of political dynamics. If you are really dedicated to the warfare state, what are you willing to sacrifice to get it? Conservatives have been willing to give up their entire domestic agenda.


November 8, 2008

Dick Armey in the WSJ (Bush’s Compassionate Conservatism phoney Neo Drivel) & Reject the Neo Aristo’s & Screw Angleou, Too!

Someone within the Republican Party or whatever Party captures the Conservative’s imagination must call BS on the Neo Con’s. Only Libertarians and Paleo’s delight in this and for me they seem to take on as much glee as a Leftist in highlighting the downfall of the Party. That does not set well with me…there is something there as smelly as a Neo for me…not sure what it is…almost an arrogant-elitism equal to the Left….an attitude not borne of middle America. Is there just no end to the power addiction and arrogance of the Right and the Left? We have become too big and this only invites power whores that envision reshaping in images that never will resonate with Americans.

Ready to Topple
Ready to Topple

Ok, so Armey didn’t say exactly what the header says. But, it was close enough. Where in the hell has Dick Armey been for 8 damn years while Bush et al drove the Party over the cliff? I agree with much of what Armey say re limited government, spending and why the Party lost  control in 2006. BUT, I do not see it remarked upon about something else I recall in 2006..something that was pounded upon for months and went unaswered: Republican Hypocrisy.   The hypocrisy that any middle American get pissed off about and that any Liberal enjoys pointing too. Fecking queer (no offense to queers) and self rightous congressmen chasing boys and doing the foot tap in bathroom stalls was the turning point!! Do you remember that?  American’s Hate Hypocrisy….I do!!!!! 

 That is one reason why religion, whether it is an under pinning to values or not, must be reduced as a focal point in Republican pronouncements. Constantly pontificating over morals, values, religion only sets every moralistic spewer up for the hypocrisy label. Every bit as damaging as spending like a drunken sailor on a whore, while in port. Stop with the bible waving…enough! Live it and shut up already. 

Another thing: I am sickened by the adoration of a single human to save us (Obama) and would be equally sickened by the adoration of a messiah from the Right. Would Reagan really want all this adoration? There is something deplorably weak about the masses chasing a single person and bland words. Principles, principles, principles not a person.  

“The liberal pundits who embraced the candidacy of Barack Obama are also eager to issue a death certificate for free market capitalism. They’re wrong, and they remind me of what the great Willie Nelson once said: “I’m ragged but I’m right.”
To be sure, the American people have handed power over to the Democrats. But today there is a categorical difference between what Republicans stand for and the principles of individual freedom. Parties are all about getting people elected to political office; and the practice of politics too often takes the form of professional juvenile delinquency: short-sighted and self-centered.
This was certainly true of the Bush presidency. Too often the policy agenda was determined by short-sighted political considerations and an abiding fear that the public simply would not understand limited government and expanded individual freedoms. How else do we explain “compassionate conservatism,” No Child Left Behind, the Medicare drug benefit and the most dramatic growth in federal spending since LBJ’s Great Society?”

What Wonderful, Direct Writing Below. To the Point. Laser Precise. Read it and reject the Aristo’s


lemmings-a“Our career-serving political class, the education establishment, the traditional news media, the people responsible for (in a good and in a bad way) for our movies and television entertainment — it seems of late that too many of them are singing with the same voice and the same song. Different words, perhaps, and out of some obscure motivation, but all to the same end, and now and again I detect some whisper of the same motivating contempt for the American public. Contempt for our tastes or lack of same, of our habits in shopping, amusing ourselves, our persistent attachment to religious beliefs, to habits of self-sufficiency, and our stubborn disinclination to do or believe as our self-nominated betters dictate — it’s all on very ugly display. The media gang-up on Joe the Plumber, for having the impertinence to ask a tough question of the favored candidate was just the most recent and most open, and the most unsettling display.

Really, what do these new aristos expect of the masses, the proletariat, the common citizenry? More and more I have the feeling that we are seen as a kind of herd animal, to be periodically sheared like sheep, relieved of whatever fleece or funds that the new aristos feel they could make better use of, to do as we are told, to not really consider our property, our children, or our earnings as our own. If the aristos decide that they require such things to be given up… well, then, fall in line the loyal peasantry. And don’t forget to smile.”

“We are being put back in our place, after a two-hundred plus year experiment of being responsible and independent citizens – not so much by actual physical repression, but by words … words and deeds wielded by the new aristos, to wreck our institutions from the inside, and water down those basic freedoms as established in the constitution, to shred free speech and condemn us to silence for fear of a mob – a mob directed by an unholy confabulation of the aristos. Not too late to go storm the Bastille though – on Voting Day. Don’t give up. Ever.”        

“Maya Angelou No Longer Ashamed of America

There is one bright side to the Moonbat Messiah’s catastrophic election, other than not having to pretend anymore not to detest John McCain. Now Maya Angelou doesn’t have to be ashamed of her country. Here she goes:

I realized almost within a minute, I don’t have to apologize for my country when I’m abroad. I can say, “I belong to a great country,” and there are Europeans who say, “Aren’t you glad to be here in France where we don’t have the racism you live under? Aren’t you glad you’re here in Britain?” I mean, I’ve been on the defensive so long. But this time I can say, “I am an American, look at us, look at what we’ve just achieved.”

What we’ve achieved: we elected a completely unqualified, ultra-left punk on the basis of his skin color. Now European countries will have to elect inexperienced blacks or Arabs with radical backgrounds to prove they’re as suicidally politically correct as we are, or we can look down our noses at them for a change.

To borrow from Michelle Obama, for the first time in my adult life, I’m not proud of my country.”        (Hang In There, Van) 

November 5, 2008

Conservatism’s Nap Time (Time to Get Up, Clear Our Head & Focus)

Filed under: Politics — SwittersB & Exploring @ 2:07 PM
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liberty-dollarCan’t be down in the dumps, wasted energy. Refocus and do the following: Take the vaunted Conservative principles and define how, specifically, we intend to solve problems. Buzz words, attacking the enemy, the same tired cliches must give way to these are the means to fixing these problems. McCain did not adequately identify how he proposed to fix the perceived problems. It will not be enough to attempt to deflate the smooth one, Obama. He will remain untouchable. It will appear petty to attack now. But, the ones that will be doing the heavy lifting, the Congressional contingent, is worthy of dissection and continual oversight, given their power.   

All the Ayers, Wright, Davis, Rezko, ACORN, Odinga, Birth Certificate, Religion, Columbia, ACA flags meant nothing to the voter. So, for now, back burner until such time as a wiff of Neo Marxist odor passes under your nose. Then perhaps it will again be relevent. But, now it must be about what Senator McCain did not articulate. Frankly, Conservatives did not articulate them either in such a manner as to reach the public. Conservatism is fractured. Neo’s and Paleo’s are at extreme ends. To not recognize this is to flounder about in a contradictory manner and be outwitted by those that know our principles better than we do. Obama delivered our core emotional triggers better than McCain.  

So, as Michelle Malkin says gird your loins, and develop alternatives beyond sounding negative all the time. Whiners are tuned out. Even when your message is legit…whiners are tuned out!     

“What do we do now? We do what we’ve always done.

We stand up for our principles, as we always have — through Democrat administrations and Republican administrations, in bear markets or bull markets, in peacetime and wartime.

We stay positive and focused.

We keep the faith.

We do not apologize for our beliefs. We do not re-brand them, re-form them, or relinquish them. We defend them.

We pay respect to the office of the presidency. We count our blessings and recommit ourselves to our constitutional republic.

We gird our loins, to borrow a phrase from our Vice President-elect.

We lock and load our ideological ammunition.

We fight.”

PJ comments below, but worth highlighting here:

“We have failed to educate our children as to the true American values we espouse. We have forsaken ideology in the belief that the concept is both irrelevant and obsolete. Our children know nothing of Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington or any of the founding fathers. They are taught that the only relevance is the contemporary: events that occurred more than ten days ago have no meaning to their lives. Their concept of history is knowing when “The Brady Bunch” ran on TV. We have failed our children by allowing our schools to disparage our history by cataloging our mistakes while ignoring our accomplishments. This is our challenge, educate the young about the true principles a conservative American holds sacred.”

Sarah Palin (Next Time on Your Terms, Not the RNC Handlers)

Filed under: Conservatism,Republican Stupidity — SwittersB & Exploring @ 6:12 AM
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Well, Ms. Palin, you were a breath of fresh air. For me the only thing positive in a poorly run race. I regret you were tucked away by handlers that were afraid to let you speak your mind. I regret the savage, petty attacks you sustained. Stay strong and know that your message needs to be refined to be from you and not moderated by any Republican strategist. Hang around and let us see you again in the future….whether as Governor, Senator or something grander. Thank you for being you and for your service to Conservaties.


Yes, the perfect image for anyone that is not a stuffy, urban elitist. Only urban elites would be put off by this pic.

“I like this picture of Sarah Palin voting. Heavy on the Caribou, light on the Barbie. She didn’t need to be dunked in RNC bling. And the more the campaign went on and the more she wiggled free of her minders, the better she sounded. If you’ve got organic style, you shouldn’t be shoehorned into generic campaign issue. If the night goes the way it seems to be heading, the differences between the Governor and the campaign will be one of the most interesting parts of the GOP post-mortem.”

“But I emphatically agree that this picture — not that it’s cheesecake, which it’s not (no more than any picture of her is, which is a little, because yes, she is nice looking), but that it’s bluejeans on Election Day! — is the future of the GOP and conservatives in the 21st Century.”

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