Zipline Conservative

October 16, 2011

Obama Promises it All

Filed under: Anti Obama,Liberty — SwittersB & Exploring @ 8:49 AM
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August 15, 2011

Philly Flash Mobs….Thuggery (Nanny’s Brood)


June 25, 2011

Individual Liberty and Responsibility to Others….Or, Nanny?

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

December 4, 2010

Pawn of Social Justice or Defender of Liberty?

Don’t be played into class envy, political correctness or to the tit of the Nanny. Recognize if you are slowly, incrementally being swayed into class envy. Are you able to care for yourself and your family? Are you sitting on your ass, unemployed? Are you bitter? Are you angry? Angry at who? Banks, business, the rich? Wake up and look about you. How do you know what you know? Are you a pawn to the mantra’s of the Left? Wake up and become independent. Defend liberty and not the progressive’s social justice BS. All that does is create envy, class envy. And, make you mentally dependent….then physically dependent upon the State. Are you a robot? Group thinker?

November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving: Family, Neighbor & Self Reliance

Filed under: Decay,Self Reliance — SwittersB & Exploring @ 11:00 AM
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As never before, I am thankful for my family. I have a sense of foreboding about country. I have an increasingly developed sense of self reliance. I have vowed to take care of my family and plan for a self reliant future. Don’t need the Nanny’s tit. Never have and never will. Thing is…need to make sure all those around me are ready and self reliant. Happy Thanksgiving to all that are self reliant and look about and take care of your neighbors and strangers. That is part of the beauty of being self reliant.

October 31, 2010

Spooky Tuesday? Corruptocrats

Can the ‘Spooky Hungarian Dude’, Progressive hacks and the true believers pull off the voter fraud schemes they have planned for? Will the people’s will be subverted?

I, for one, am not willing to settle for corruption as usual. Perhaps that seems to be acceptable ‘machine politics’, but not acceptable from either party. All those opposed to the Nanny State have little tolerance left for a ruling political class, regardless of a D or R.

There is a mandate to reduce debt, reduce government, reduce gluttony. The ‘loud voices’ won’t be silenced. No calm after the election. The campaigning will not stop as Wonder Boy continues on and on. And, Hilary. The momentum must be maintained AND the end game must be kept in view. This election is only the beginning…not the end.

March 3, 2010

Glenn Beck (Look Past the Goofball Persona)

Filed under: Anti Obama,Communist — SwittersB & Exploring @ 6:01 AM
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I recall Beck on the radio many years ago. He was an interesting voice discussing culture less than the Left or ‘Progressives’….Liberals then. I do recall him talking of a grand conspiracy re the Timothy McVeigh case. I was intrigued, but he didn’t connect the dots. Being a visual person, I have enjoyed watching the dots be connected on his TV show.

The question is begged..why doesn’t the msm connect the seemingly easily available dots, just waiting to be connected? It is apparent the State Run Media is aware and in line with the Oblahma Admin’s plans for incremental demise.

I have sat objectively scrutinizing the dots Beck throws up on the blackboard or flat screen. Their own words, spoken and written, demonstrate their Statist plans and the ready acceptance of the media shows their complicity in this plan. Meanwhile the electorate is tired of this mierda. Of course, the usual wimpy, 10%, swing vote is clueless…just waiting for the emotional pitch of guilt-class envy v. the pocket book. One thing Beck has right…Progressivism is alive and well in both parties and has not served us well. Yep, as plain as the nose on your face….something stinks. Once the house is aired out and fumigated…then what?

November 9, 2009

The Spoiled Brats Are Oblivious

Filed under: Arrogance of Power,Leftist Lunacy — SwittersB & Exploring @ 6:17 AM
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“It is a curious thing that those who feel most mistily affectionated_eagle_2[1]
toward America, and most protective toward it, are the most aware of
its vulnerabilities, the most aware that it can be harmed. They don’t
see it as all-powerful, impregnable, unharmable. The loving have a
sense of its limits.

They don’t feel anxious, because they never had anything to be
anxious about. They grew up in an America surrounded by
phrases ‘strongest nation in the world’, ‘indispensable nation’,
‘unipolar power’, ‘highest standard of living’ and are not bright
enough, or serious enough, to imagine that they can damage that, hurt
it, even fatally.

We are governed at all levels by America;s luckiest children, sons
and daughters of the abundance, and they call themselves optimists but
they’re not optimists, they’re unimaginative. They don’t have faith,
they’ve just never been foreclosed on. They are stupid and they are
callous, and they don’t mind it when people become disheartened. They
don’t even notice.”  Peggy Noonan

Yes, I believe the earnest ones are oblivious of the citizen’s concerns. They are on a mission of the righteous; as righteous acting as any bible thumper they always rail against. However, I worry about those that know exactly what citizens worry about, do notice the anger, yet push forward toward ‘change’ that they know will only make us dependent upon the State. The dependent class, estimated at up to 40% in one form or another, is oblivious too. They are equally stupid and callous…having grown accustomed to being dependent upon the State. Disheartened does not begin to describe what I feel.

November 8, 2009


Despicable Morons~Affordable Health Care?

Impossible to imagine…impossible to pay for…impossible to forfeit out liberty to the meddlesome or abusive Big Brother….not just sucking the Nanny’s breast…no alot farther toward abdication of freedom and sovereignty.



September 6, 2009

Climate Change Debate (Yes, a debate at least)

“Last month, in another study, also released in Science, Oregon State University researchers claimed to settle the debate over what caused and ended the last Ice Age. Increased solar radiation coming from slight changes in the Earth’s rotation, not greenhouse gas levels, were to blame…..

Nonetheless, what I find interesting is the eagerness of the authors and the media to make it clear that this doesn’t have any particular significance for the debate over climate change….

But we live in a moment when we are told, nay lectured and harangued, that if we use the wrong toilet paper or eat the wrong cereal, we are frying the planet. But the sun? Well, that’s a distraction. Don’t you dare forget your reusable shopping bags, but pay no attention to that burning ball of gas in the sky — it’s just the only thing that prevents the planet from being a lifeless ball of ice engulfed in darkness. Never mind that sunspot activity doubled during the 20th century, when the bulk of global warming has taken place.”



My closet is full of clothing. My garage is full of too much stuff, much forgotten or unused. Stuff. Is it my business that I have it? Is it anyone else’s right to lecture me, us, on the consumption of goods? Saw the recent Hollywood Pathetic Love Fest for Wonder Boy Service Call. Recall the guy earnestly saying to grow more and consume less? Well, now on the surface (it always is on the surface) that seems fine (their arguments are always fine up front) to have a back yard garden or terrace container garden. Just 50 years ago everyone in my neighborhood had a sizable back yard garden. Consume less. Well, yes. Save more and be more frugal in these hard times. Not bad advice. BUT! that is not the ultimate intent of the planners.

You will be self contained unit consuming less and eating your kale and tomatoes. Your savings, your frugality will benefit others. The State will decide how to divide you savings….your forced savings. Forced frugality. Forced co-ops? Forced this and that. All this nonsense ties back (yes I know you wondered) back to this climate change nonsense. Over focusing upon the sky is falling rhetoric of ‘scientist’ with a myopic view and the planners using the data to reduce our lives to frugal little consumers saving the planet.

Yes, stop pollution. Stop over development, but don’t crush it at all costs or for a Leftist agenda. Enough earnest little ‘bots running about lecturing and one step away from snitching you to the green gestapo. You know those little earnest twits will be the ones to call the authorities some day.

The debate is on and maybe the State Run Media will be counter balanced by questions, data, recalculations that bring honesty to the discussion (no discussion yet). I am tired of lock step propaganda spewed forth as fact. “Man is causing the disfigurement of the coastline with a planned resort.” “Man is causing the rise in sea levels.” On and on. No, I am not a scientist. But, for now, I have the freedom to call BS on the flock of crows that counter as false every scientist that counters the mantra. As scientist, isn’t it odd that many don’t seem to be intrigued by data that may suggest the earth is not flat.

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