Zipline Conservative

September 16, 2011

Crony Capitalist/Socialist/Marxist

With the new mismanagement of ‘green’ dollars (Solyndra) is evident Obama and his Cronies have varied interests in making this green concept work. Somewhere either via GE or some other entrepreneur there is a corrupt smell to this administration. The recent GPS scandal is yet another example of Obama Cronyism. 

The Leftist Apology Machine, like Media Matters, makes excuse,s ad nauseam, and as usual point back to Republican corruption/cronyism. That is fair. It is all corrupt and Obama is no different.

It is mentioned how can Obama be either the corrupt Capitalist or the corrupt Socialist? Seriously? Corrupt leaders exist in all manner of economic/political systems. The corrupt Marxist officials in the USSR had their cars, dacha’s and fine vodka plus special accounts. The corruption is just grander for the Obama schemers.

Why would Obama had a Green Czar named Van Jones? Doesn’t that seem odd? Yes