Zipline Conservative

October 8, 2008

DailyAntiKos (Super Nexium for Acid Reflux)

Filed under: Conservatism,Obama,Politics,The Left,The Media — SwittersB & Exploring @ 10:07 PM
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Crisp site that makes fun of the KosmoNuts and their hemorrhaging brain cells.

Declaring War on Leftist Bloggers:


Nanotechnology (On a Different Note…A Very High Note)

This is the most brain numbing topic for me. I am scientifically challenged and I do still find this topic extremely interesting. Do a little reading here and for now just get a minimalist glimpse of this bizarre, ongoing research: How about:

Robert A. Freitas Jr. – Why you should care about molecular nanotechnology

Read about the intentions, designs, possibilites, risks. Read about eliminating natural death?

Obama: Race, Racism, Racist & Riots (Self Fullfilling Prophecy? Thanks, Shmendriks!)

Filed under: Obama,The Left,The Media — SwittersB & Exploring @ 7:55 PM
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Where ever there might be rioting, I want David Gergen and James Carville chained to a front gate of a shop, where the aleady empowered victim class is about to torch the facade. Yes, I want these race baiting ‘shmendriks’ to suffer the fruits of their incitement to riot. Do these slimeballs have any conscience? This is simple blackmail…ignore your concerns about his (O’s) character or judgment. If you don’t, you are a racist and whats more, you will cause rioting…and, what will Europe think of us?

ACORN, AYERS, REZKO, WRIGHT, et alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.  Obama happens to be black. He will be rejected, if he ultimately is, not because he is black, but for his character, lack of leadership capabilities and because he has surrounded himself with flakes (both white and black). Gergen…let me hear you squeal…you pig. 

DAVID GERGEN: I think it’s too early to declare victory Anderson, because Barack Obama is black. And until we play out the issue of race in this country, I don’t think we’ll know and maybe unless — late in the campaign.”

“Over the years there’s a study now that’s come out of Stanford University and Associate Press along with Yahoo, saying that is — that his blackness may cost him as much as six points I think he’s in a commanding position coming out of this second debate. Having won two, having done as well as he has, I think he’s established in the public’s mind now that he is certainly as qualified to be president as John McCain.”

“And that’s a — and he’s come a long way in this and I think it’s much more sure-footed, he’s very presidential tonight. But we don’t know what the race factor in America now. I think until this plays; it could close on this before it’s over.”

CARVILLE: “Now let me be clear here, if Obama goes in this race with a 5- point lead and losing this election, the consequences are — bull, man. I mean I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I think David it’s a point to bring up.
But you stop and contemplate this country if Obama goes in and he has a consistent five point lead and loses the election, it would be very, very, very dramatic out there.”


Bill Ayers and Education (In His Own Words…His Visions)

My concern is for the ongoing transformation, within our educational system, toward a national and global view that is so engrained in our youth, that history and the lessons learned will be misrepresented for the sake of group think….lock step toward a supposed humane society…I am afraid of the Nanny State. Mr. Ayers has foresaken the violent option and engaged in the Alinsky-Gramsci internal compromise of the system…now, if Obama wins, and to a degree if he doesn’t, we are headed to an indoctrination well beyond the previous levels that have infected or programed our youth.  

Visit Bill Ayers blog spot and read his text to Chavez et al…He chants viva la revolucion for Bolivia..this was 2006. I read somewhere today that Bolivia is in a chaotic state…will have to check this out… 

Liberty Sacrificed to the Orators…The Reassuring Voice of Hope

Filed under: Obama,Politics,The Culture,The Left — SwittersB & Exploring @ 6:40 PM
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This passage should be read every now and then and shared. As chaos abounds, voices will sound reassuring to the followers, the ones use to the organizers, and yet again the undecideds…they will easily follow, as they were the most unprincipled to start with. An aside, with this election offering two diverse candidates (even with McCain the Moderate), how can someone not know who in the hell to vote for?  


“On top of all that, people suffer psychological consequences as well. The people most involved in the bubble are confident, jubilant, and self-assured by their apparently successful decision making. When the bubble bursts they lose confidence, go into despair and lose confidence in their decision making. In fact, they lose confidence in the “system,” which means they lose confidence in capitalism and become susceptible to new political “reforms” that offer structure and security in exchange for some of their autonomy and freedoms.

In this manner, great nations of people have given away their liberties in exchange for security.”

McCain Scandal Info (Yes, folks add them up…we will hear lots soon I am sure)

Filed under: Conservatism,Obama,Politics,The Left,The Media — SwittersB & Exploring @ 10:39 AM
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Oh my, death squads, Keating, Indian Gambling, and none of it in any amount of drivel and saturation equals Obama’s associations or alliances, call it what you will…with all the ilk Obama is linked to in the recent past. None of it links toward the subversion of our system. ACORN alone, this morning, is enough. And, none of it equals one son of a bitch named William Ayers standing upon the flag or his deranged old lady. Tit for Tat will only work for the Obamabots…
Hey, you Undecided’s…you all important wind socks of decision making…can see the differences or are you getting in line for the Snake Oil Elixir?  
From an Obamabot in response to Thomas Sowell’s article.
McCain’s Scandalous Friends
Did you know McCain’s scandalous friends include:

CHARLES KEATING: a convicted felon who was part of the Keating Five conspiracy, along with McCain. See:

G. GORDON LIDDY: a convicted felon who served four years in prison for Watergate crimes. Liddy is a McCain campaign contributor and hosted a fundraiser for McCain. See:

THE INDIAN GAMBLING INDUSTRY: A recent New York Times story called McCain “the father of Indian gambling.”
See: eb.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp

JOHN SINGLAUB: McCain served with Singlaub on the board of an organization that has ties to anti-semites and racists. Singlaub was part of the Iran Contra affair. See: BarackObama

DUKE TULLY: Godfather to one of McCain’s children and concocted a military record. See: 7/03/01/20070301mccainbio-chapter6.html

MANY MORE… People like indicted Rep. Rick Renzi who was a McCain Campaign chair, Sen. Phil Gramm, Gov. Sarah Palin…

McCain pals around with a rough crowd and cannot be trusted.

Barack Obama: Alliances & Arrogance (Thomas Sowell says Obama Alliances the Focus)

Filed under: Obama,The Left — SwittersB & Exploring @ 10:10 AM
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“Why much of the public and the media have been so mesmerized by the words and the image of Mr. Obama, and so little interested in learning about the factual reality, was perhaps best explained by an official of the Democratic Party: “People don’t come to Obama for what he’s done, they come because of what they hope he can be.”

“Mr. Freddoso’s book should be read by those people who want to know what the facts are. But neither this book nor anything else is likely to change the minds of Mr. Obama’s true believers, who have made up their minds and don’t want to be confused by the facts.”

Thomas Sowell weighs in again on Barack Obama in Part II

“The arrogance of third parties, who take it upon themselves to treat other people’s children as a captive audience to brainwash with politically correct notions, while taking no responsibility for the consequences to those children or society, is part of the general vision of the left that pervades our education system.”


McCain, You Need To Get Pissed Off….For Us. Get Busy!

Filed under: Conservatism,Obama,Politics,The Left — SwittersB & Exploring @ 5:41 AM
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Last night was like some debate on the Senate Floor…just some phone it in, campaign trail talking points. What the hell? Neither one showed leadeship. Neither one was in command. I am watching my retirement funds evaporate. I am pissed off. Fecking AIG execs on spa trips to Cal?!? On our dime? Seriously, this stuff is straining the patience of the populace to the breaking point. McCain get pissed off and show it! If you can’t muster the energy than turn Palin lose. I am sure she wouldn’t have to fake it.

John McCain unless you are pussy footing about because you have your own baggage and are afraid, then get up off your weak ass and build a fire and go at that sorry SOB and all his corrupt cronies. It will not just be an election you lose. The pathetic and bankrupt Republican Party maybe on public view right now. Not as criminally corrupt as the Demwits, but their (Repub’s) script and talking points are tired and weak.

Go after the Democrats, Fannie Mae, the Causes…talk about Ohio and Missouri Voter Fraud & ACORN. Have the balls to say it. Enough of this weak, overly calculated (timid) plan. It is not working. I am pissed off….fed up. I am not alone.

“…Nevada ACORN hired inmates as canvassers. One of them is spilling the beans on his colleagues, whom he called “lazy crackheads”

ACORN Fraudsters

ACORN Fraudsters

Calculated and real. ACORN is not the victim. They are criminals. Investigate and indict them. Shut these community organizing thugs down. The Obama Traveling Circus…come in one and all and see the bearded woman…she’s probably registered in Michigan, Illinois, Missouri and……………………